Market Update From the West Coast Meatheads

Tenders have hit a bottom and will be steady to higher prices through Valentines Day. End Cuts/thin meats are in short supply and prices are all higher into next week. Ribs are one the few cuts that continue to trend down in price. Live cattle is trading at $170 which is up from where it traded last week(mid $160s).
WOGS remain in short supply and prices are increasing. Thigh meat is lower into next week. Breast meat is steady to slightly higher.
Bacon up a nickel to a dime, loins up $0.10-$0.20 but looks to remain fairly steady. Whole fresh pigs are still very high and in low supply.
Imported items all steady. Domestic racks steady to up $0.15 cents. Legs, shoulders loins steady.
Short supply and rising cost. We and other suppliers have been shorted on items across the board. Costs are rising from $0.10 -$0.50.
Large wild Mexican is very scarce. Season almost over and no U10 or U12 insight. U15 scarce and will rise above $12 – $13/lb eventually.