Market Update From the West Coast Meatheads

The market bottomed out last week according to VanVoorhis and has started to slowly move up since. Most of the increases have been on the middles. Short Ribs are a great current value as they are popular export item and exports have decreased over past few weeks with the port issues. The choice grade remains very strong at 70%. The choice-select spread remains very minimal due to the high choice grade out.
Breast and thigh remain steady into next week. WOGs are up a few cents.
Veal pricing is relatively stable according to Possemato. In general, product is still in short supply, especially bones and top rounds. We just received some extremely good cutlet product as an alternate if you are using them for scaloppini.
Domestic cuts are stable price-wise and mostly available. Legs and racks will tighten as we get closer to Easter. The challenge is N.Z. and Aus product due to the port issue. Prices are stable to down because product has been sitting out on the water for a while.
Mostly good news here. All cuts flat to down. Product is available.
Same story here as last week. Imported shrimp all prices steady and available. Small size Wild Mexican shrimp steady and available. U15 and larger are in short supply and high cost.